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39 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1

Retail for rent

£79Per Sq Ft
Per annum
948Sq Ft


The subject premises are situated in a prime location on Old Christchurch Road, directly adjacent to Monsoon and Hotter Shoes. Other nearby tenants include Topman / Topshop, McDonald’s, Pandora and Yo! Sushi.


The property is arranged over ground, basement, first, second and third floors, with the following approximate dimensions and areas:

Net Frontage19 ft 3 ins5.87 m
Ground Floor Sales948 sq ft88.1 sq m
1 st Floor Ancillary710 sq ft65.9 sq m
2 nd Floor Ancillary558 sq ft51.8 sq m
3 rd Floor Ancillary558 sq ft51.8 sq m
Basement Ancillary927 sq ft86.1 sq m


Subject to vacant possession, the unit is available on a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease, for a term to be agreed, subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews.


£75,000 per annum exclusive.

Business Rates

Rateable Value £71,500 Interested parties should verify the rates payable figure with the Local Authority.


An EPC is available on request.

Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction. Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs. Subject to contract.

Listed Features

  • Multiple floors
  • Glazed Frontage
  • Basement
  • Effective FRI Lease
Target price
Target size
Chosen features
Property Marketed By
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McKinnon Nelson Property Consultants