Prominent Mall Unit of c. 130 sq m (1,400 sq ft)
Cityside Retail & Leisure Park is one of Northern Ireland's biggest retail and leisure developments comprising a gross floor area of c. 365,000 sq ft.
Unit 4 occupies a prominent position within the retail mall beside the main entrance.
Would suit a variety of complimentary retailers to include a Butchers, Fashion Clothing, Dry Cleaners, Card Retailers etc.
Other traders in the Mini Mall, anchored by Tesco, include Boots the Chemist, Mackays and Eyecare.
Other traders within the Cityside Retail & Leisure Park which benefits from c. 1,100 free car parking spaces include a 14 screen multiplex cinema, a health / leisure and family entertainment centre, Asda Living, New Look, Sports Direct, Home Bargain, Peacocks, B&M Bargains, and Poundland.
UNIT 4 - c.130 sq m (1,400 sq ft)
TERM: Negotiable subject to periodic upward only Rent Reviews.
RENTAL: £30,000 per annum
REPAIRS/INSURANCE: Effective full repairing and insuring lease by way of a service charge contribution.
SERVICE CHARGE: A service charge will be levied to recover the cost of external repairs, security and the general maintenance of the Mini Mall and Park.
AVAILABILITY: Further details on request
NAV / Capital Value
We are advised by the Land and Property Service that the NAV is £21,000
The Commercial rate in the pound for 2019 / 2020 is £0.6014135.
Please note that all perspective tenants should make their own enquiries to confirm the NAV / rates payable
All prices, outgoings etc are exclusive of, but may be subject to VAT.