2-storey Office Buildings
• Self-contained
• Established Commercial area
• Close to Durham City Centre
• Good Road Links
• For Sale or To Let
• Onsite Car Parking
Location / Description
The premises are located off St. John's Road on Meadowfield Industrial Estate, Durham. Meadowfield Industrial Estate is accessed via the A690, which in turn links directly to Durham City approximately 3 miles distant. The A1(M) is approximately 6 miles to the east, Newcastle upon Tyne approximately 22 miles to the north east and Darlington approximately 17 miles to the south.
The premises provide modern 2-storey accommodation finished to a good specification incorporating floor coverings, decorated walls, suspended ceilings, Cat ll lighting, male, female and disabled WCs and dedicated self-contained reception area.
Unit 7 134 m2 (1,437 sqft)
Unit 8 134 m2 (1,437 sqft)
Total 268 m2 (2,874 sqft)
The office units are available For Sale at an asking price of £125,000 per unit.
The occupiers shall pay a fair proportion of the service charge for maintenance of the estate.