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4 Central Pavement, Chesterfield, S40

Offices for rent

£24Per Sq Ft
Per annum
1453Sq Ft


Prime Retail Location in Chesterfield Town Centre


The property is situated in a highly prominent position on the northern side of Central Pavement, adjacent to the Market Place and close to the junction with the Vicar Lane Shopping Centre.

There are numerous retailers represented in Chesterfield but those in the immediate vicinity include; Santander, Halifax, McDonalds,

Jackson Bakery, CW Sellars Fine Jewellery, Café Nero, Boots, and Pandora. This property occupies a high profile location within the centre of Chesterfield's main retail area.

The property is located close to Market Place, where a market is held every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and ensures a high pedestrian flow past the subject property.


For further information or viewings, please contact the sole agent:

Francois Neyerlin


Rating Assessment

Based on information obtained from the Valuation Office Agency websites the demise

is rated as follows:-

Address: 4, Central Pavement, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1PQ

Description: Shop and Premises

Rateable Value: £44,750

Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Authority for


The premises are understood to have A2 consent. Interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves with Chesterfield planning authority that their use is acceptable under these new changes which came in from September 2020.

Lease Terms

The property is available to let by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed.


£35,00 per annum. We are informed VAT is payable on the rent.

Ground and first floor retail premises in prime location in Chesterfield

Located between The Pavements and Vicar Lane Shopping Centres

Most recently utilised as a travel agents (old A2 (now Class E) by Hunters, but may suit other retail / office uses

Available on a new lease

Nearby retailers include Jackson Bakery, CW Sellors Fine Jewellers, Café Nero, Boots, Pandora, McDonalds, and Halifax

Listed Features

  • Multiple floors
  • No FRI Lease
  • Office
Target price
Target size
Chosen features
Property Marketed By
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SMC Chartered Surveyors