Multipul office spaces are avaialbe on this business estate.
Space 1 measures as 3.24m x 4.96m (16sqm, 173sqft), Space 2 measures as 3.1m x 3.8m (11.7sqm, 125sqft), Space 3 measures as 5.84m x 3.8m (22sqm, 236sqft), Space 4 measures as 5.95m x 3.8m (22.5sqm, 242sqft). All rooms are fitted with sensor alarms and the building contains cctv. The rooms can be locked internally and you will receive 1 key.
Some office furniture is available (desk, cupboard etc) this will be given on a first come first served bases. Price is a starting price and open to discussion depending on room. Bills are included in rented price.